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Our hybrid teams participates in the local season and in multi-day tournaments throughout the season.

The journey begins in our 4v4 league. We create an environment where our athletes can develop all volleyball skills, maximize repetition, and experience the joy in learning.

Our travel teams compete in Orange County during the regular season and participate in multi-day tournaments. 

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6th-8th Grade

The goal of our travel program is to continue to nurture the growth of our athletes in a competitive setting. We begin to focus more on specific positions without abandoning the concept of being a 6-rotation athlete.
We always show up and compete
, but we are not a
"win at all costs" club. We understand that learning is a journey and are mindful that team sports are integral to developing character and emotional intelligence

**Athletes that don't make a travel roster will be placed on local, hybrid, or 4v4 League.** 



July - September

The goal of our program is to develop 6-rotation athletes and prepare them to compete.
Our 4v4 League allows for athletes to experience the joy in learning while developing all the necessary skills to compete in this sport. 


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